
She.d.d. Jewelry Update

It's been forever since my last post which poses the needed update. So thank you for your check in and your interest in YesIAm. Just a quick personal update... Back in February I had a little accident while lifting Maisey down from her bunk bed one morning that caused major bruising and trauma to my chest. After many tests and doctor visits, I ended up having 2 surgeries to help remove the infection that was caused from the bruising. I was left with 3 open wounds in which I had to pack everyday. I have never experienced this kind of an emotional roller coaster ride like this. The journey of healing has been a slow one. I'm still healing. As a matter of fact, I have another follow-up visit this Friday to see how things are coming along. I really appreciate all the prayers, cards, visits, gifts, messages, etc. Thank the Lord for my mother who constantly prayed and cared for me during this entire process...I am so blessed to have a loving family. I firmly believe that every trail and hill to climb is a great opportunity to learn something about yourself and most importantly about God. My eyes are wide open to the needs of others like never before and the sensitivity to the wounded is vast. However, it's not just a sense of empathy that has occurred in my heart for the sick, it's more than that. It's the reality of the frailty of our humanity. We all are wounded in some way or another and need comfort & mercy. I want the things I do, create, etc. to be an agent of mercy and comfort. One very significant night in the altar, the Lord spoke to my heart and He gently walked me down the path of how I have known Him as my Salvation, my Father, my Friend, my Comfort, my Husband, my Restorer and now I can know Him as my Healer. This moment with Him was a beautiful revelation as He covered me with His care. Once again, I'm blown away by His goodness and love. During my recovery time I was able to worship with the church corporately and was given time off from leading worship to heal. Due to the infection & pain, I wasn't able to play my guitar for almost 2 months. Now this is very difficult for a songwriter to lay down their instrument - period - but it gave me a chance to be creative in other ways. I know you may think I'm crazy but I had a creative dream one night on how to make button rings and using Scrabble letters with the buttons. I woke up and told mama all about it because it was extremely detailed. We went straight to one of my favorite vintage stores in town called the "Cotton Depot" where I found everything that was in my dream. On the way to the store we stopped to fill up with gas. When mama opened the car door she spotted the Scrabble letter "I" at her feet on the ground. HOW CRAZY?!?!? Needless to say, we had a good laugh!! This is how "She.d.d. Jewelry" was birthed. "She.d.d" has two meanings... "She" focuses on our Sisterhood - our women's ministry. Hillsong says it like this, "She is one, she is many". This rings in my heart for women all across the globe. I believe in sisterhood connections. I believe we need each other for so many reasons. I'm so thankful for my sisters and wouldn't want to do life without them.
Now, this is the funny part, "She.d.d." is something that Maisey and I say to one another - our little love language when we hug. You'll just have to trust me on this one and maybe one day you'll hear it for yourself so you can have a good laugh too! You know when you love someone so much you just want to squeeze them so tight and you can't make a real word and all that comes out is a sound? Well, now you know. Creating these rings is a fun hobby and came at a crucial time for me; however, there is more to the story. With each ring sold, a percentage goes back to our local Sisterhood so that we together can make a difference which captures the essence of "YesIAm". I hope you're able to check out the rings on Etsy. Here's the link: http://www.etsy.com/shop/SheddJewelry Share your story, your creations, your art to make a difference...ALL FOR HIS GLORY!! Love and blessings, Carrie ~ Btw, I'm writing songs like crazy and can't wait to share the new ones soon! Excited about the now and the future! I'll be playing at the Judson Coffee House at 1pm on Sat. July 7th AND Friday, July 27th at the Christmas in July Missions Event for the upcoming Guatemala Mission Trip - 7-9pm...other local artists such as Cindi Hall, David Disharoon & Brett Brooks will be playing too! Don't miss it~

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